About 7th Power
7 Powers to Success & Fulfillment
There is a science to success and an art to fulfillment. These 7 powers are designed to help you not just have tremendous success but also live a fulfilled life
Dave & Yvette Ulloa
What are the 7 Powers

Science to Success:

There is a science to success, a cause and effect, if you will.  If we seek more money, more power, more success in career or business we can find these great principles and strategies in books, documentaries and biographies from those who came before us. It’s like a recipe for making chocolate cake. If we were to ask you to make an “award winning” chocolate cake, could you? If you answered yes, you understand the Science to Success principles.

You can absolutely duplicate that same award winning chocolate cake. How? If you had access to the recipe. The recipe will give you the ingredients, the amounts, the order, the temperature, the duration etc.  If you follow the recipe exactly as it was given to you… you too can make this same award-winning chocolate cake.

A few challenges in life that may elude some from the science of success.

1. Access to the recipe
2. Quality of ingredients

3. Follow the recipe exactly (your ego is not your amigo)
4. Consistent action 

The Science to Success can bring us more riches, significance and things but it will never really fill our soul. It will never give us true purpose and fulfillment. Have you ever heard of or met someone who seemed to have it all financially, but was miserable and just mean?  Someone who seemed to have all the money or significance in their business or career but was distant, alone and empty, maybe even angry?

Over the past 20 plus years, over a million dollars invested in our personal growth and countless hours of learning from some of the best teachers of our time, we have discovered and developed our “Seven Powers to Success and Fulfillment” that have allowed us to not just succeed at the highest level in business and finances but have given us a level of joy and fulfillment that inspired many people to ask and want to learn how we did it.  Here is the recipe!

The 7 Powers
The Formula for Success and Fulfillment

1. Love Love is always the answer.  We start with the love you have for yourself.  It’s been our experience that so much of the pain we feel, experience and even create is due to the lack of love we have for ourselves. The shame, guilt and pain we hold onto from the past.  How can we truly love another soul if we don’t  love ourselves first?

When we love ourselves we remember that we are a child of God and that we are pure love.  We want to love and be loved.  From that loving place, we can love others, especially our intimate partner.  Love is one of the few things in the world that the more we give, the more we get.  It’s endless and available to each of us when we choose love over hate, choose love over fear, choose love over anything else.  Love is always the answer.

2. Energy Life is energy and energy is everything.  There are 3 levels of energy.

  • Energy Poor - which is barely survival mode
  • Energy Neutral - which is important to recharge and recover but not for change and transformation
  • Energy Rich - which is where we operate at a high, abundant, powerful state of mind, body and soul.  Here is where we have the desire and ability to make massive changes in our lives.  Here is where we can effortlessly achieve our goals.  Here is where we can influence people.   Here is where we can transform, from our health, to our finances, to our relationships and more.

When we are Energy Rich life flows and we can achieve our life’s dreams.

We gain our energy from our physiology (body, energy, exercise), our thought patterns (empowering or disempowering), our emotional state (high or low frequency emotions), what we eat (clog or cleanse, hydrate, fuel).  Every day we have a choice as to our energetic state.  It’s been said, “the quality of our life is in direct proportion to the quality of the state we are in consistently.”  If energy is everything, how do you fill your energy tank? Do the things that fill your tank so you have more to give.

3. Joy At the end of the day why do we do what we do?  So we can experience a certain emotion.  Joy is an emotion that we all want to experience and we can experience.  So many live a life of stress, frustration and overwhelm.  We can just as easily choose JOY.

What brings you joy?  What really brings you joy?  When was the last time you did something that truly brought you joy? How often do you allow yourself to feel joyful?  Nobody wants to be around a cranky, grumpy, stressed out person.  But when we are around a joyful person our spirits are lifted.  When we live a life from joy we lift others’ spirits.  We encourage you to remember and write down all the things that bring you true joy.  The more the better.  Then make it a ritual to do the things that bring you joy, daily.

4. Growth Everything in nature is either growing or dying.  When we plant an acorn it’s not going to grow on its own. We have to cultivate it.  We have to plant it on fertile ground, water it and nurture it.  This is similar to when we have goals and dreams in life, as they are seeds that will not just sprout on their own.  We have to do our part to bring them into reality.  How do we do that?  By growing, learning and cultivating the habits that will produce the desired results.

There is no such thing such as, “I like things just the way the are.”  Growth fuels our spirit.  There are many areas of life we can grow in.  We can grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.   We can also grow in our careers, our relationships and multiple areas of our life.

Ways we grow:

  • Reading books
  • Listening to audios
  • Attending trainings
  • Surrounding ourselves by a strong peer group

Growth brings fulfillment. The art of living a fulfilled life is full of growth and contribution.

5. Contribution  Contribution is the second power that brings us fulfillment (growth is the first).  As we discussed, the Seven Powers we have developed over the years are about the Science of Success and the Art of Fulfillment.  Have you ever met someone who had all the wealth and power that anyone could ever ask for, yet he or she seemed miserable, angry or unfulfilled?  When we contribute to others it lights up our world.  It reminds us as to why we are really here on this earth:  not just to exist but to make a difference.  What better way to make an impact than to contribute and be of service to others?

We can contribute with our money, time, wisdom, love, words, etc.  There are so many ways we can contribute.  The key to contribution is to contribute with zero expectation or need for recognition.  The true character of a person can be expressed on how he or she treats someone who can’t do anything for them or anything to them.

We started Wealth Wednesday a few years ago where we intentionally contribute to a stranger.  It may be doubling the tip for a waiter or waitress. Or buying coffee for the person behind us, paying the toll for a few cars behind us or reverse gifting, where you put $5, $10 or $20 in a diaper box at the Walmart or Target for an unsuspecting mother or parent to buy and have a surprise when they get home.  Want to get out of a slump or feeling depressed?  Go do something for somebody else.  When would now be a great time to be of service?

6. Faith Is a knowing that we are here for a reason and a purpose.  That we were designed for a special purpose.  We have a destiny that has already been written and it’s up to us to identify it, trust it and live it.  Faith is knowing that we are guided and everything in life has a reason and a purpose and it’s there to serve us. Yes, even the experiences we deem bad or unpleasant, serve us many times more than our victories and our pleasurable experiences.

Faith doesn’t have to be, but can definitely be religious, it’s totally up to us.  It’s a feeling of being connected to God, or a higher purpose, something bigger than ourselves.  When we truly have faith and know we are protected and guided by forces beyond our understanding, we truly become Unshakeable.  With a deep-rooted foundation in faith, the whole world can be falling apart around us and we have the power and choice to remain calm, unshakeable and unbreakable.  To have faith is to know that our life has meaning and purpose and that everything happens for a reason.

7. Team We become who we spend the most time with.  Tell us the 5-10 people you spend the most time with and we can tell you with much accuracy what your health is like, what your relationships are like, what your wealth is like, and what your results in life are like.  It’s been said, “If we lie down with dogs we come up with fleas and if we soar with eagles we can achieve things we may have never even dreamed of.”

Love your family, pick your peer group.  On our journey to more success and fulfillment we may have to distance ourselves from some people in our life who drag us down.  You know…the ones who are constantly negative, complaining, gossiping and live in the “can’t” world.  “You can’t do that, I can’t do that, it can’t be done.”  Surround yourself around people who inspire you, support you and hold you to the highest standard.

These Seven Powers have guided us to live a life we could have never imagined.  This is the core of what has helped us to become Unshakeable.  When our health was lost and we both didn’t know if we were going to survive, we held these Seven Powers in our hearts and minds.  When our business of 15 years was no more and we didn’t know where our income was going to come from, we leaned into these Seven powers even deeper and found a way.  It is true you can have it all in life.  All the love, all the success, and all the fulfillment.  Now you know the formula.

Art of Fulfillment: the other aspect of life is the Art of Fulfillment.  When we are fulfilled we have meaning and purpose. This is what fills the spirit, brings us joy and meaning to life. What brings about fulfillment? The Art of Fulfillment is achieved through Growth and Contribution. If we are not growing we are dying. Like anything in nature, if we are not cultivating, watering, learning and expanding we start to wither and die inside. The arrival syndrome is the silent enemy of many people’s fulfillment.

Some believe that after getting their college degree they no longer need to learn, read books, attend trainings, etc.  They believe they have arrived and stop growing.  Their brain and spirit begins to get satiated and life becomes a routine. Slowly buy surely they get comfortable and become reactive to life’s circumstances. They wonder why they are not having progress and feel empty inside.

Growth can come in the form of learning a new skill, language or sport. Growth can come in a form of starting a new business.  Growth can be found in learning how to be Unshakeable and learn ninja-like people skills that fill your soul.  How are you growing daily?  What are your ways to grow?  Growth many times requires us to get uncomfortable at first, which for many people is too painful so they prefer to stay the same. When we grow we are fulfilled.

Fulfillment also comes from Contribution. When we contribute to others we realize that life is not about what we can get out of life but how can we make a difference in someone else’s life. Think about the last time you felt so joyful and excited about life. Was there any part of you that helped someone else? Did you give a compliment, helped someone solve a problem, gave a success tip, donated some money or gave your time and wisdom?

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